AI and Natural Language Interaction

The prediction has been made as to how technology transformation, which is already happening, will develop and assist in solving problems in our daily lives further. Al or Artificial intelligence is basically the capacity of a machine to mimic intelligent human behavior. AI is a powerful force and a real game changer in marketing. Many big names have been adopting AI in various areas.

Netflix – the predictive analytics which allows Netflix to improve suggestions as well as allows users to make the most out of their subscription experience. Although, I find this way a bit creepy as to how ‘specific’ they are trying to be..

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Google RankBrain – an AI system which interprets search queries with better natural language processing. This means it helps to find more relevant search content and queries. For instance, you might search “cheap chips and salsa near me” and once you clicked search this will automatically link to a review of a restaurant not far from where you are which says ‘This place has the best chips and salsa anywhere that doesn’t cost a fortune.’

More of this natural language AI interactions would mean that the future of marketing can be highly personalized, timely and engaging. It will no longer be a one size fits all marketing if a conversation is two-way. Natural language interaction would make communication more natural and flow, in a language and cultural vernacular that customers are more comfortable with. It might go beyond navigating simple tasks, moving away from simple question and answer interactions. While Siri being here for us to play with, people are going to be eager for more!

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As my mom doesn’t live in Australia, I always wish there is an app which guides me through a grocery store as to what to buy to make a certain dish, talk to me about the alternatives to different ingredients, and how to make them step by step. This way I can eventually stop eating boring sandwiches.

Natural language Al interactions would allow companies to understand the needs of their consumers better as well. When customers are able to carry on a natural conversation, they are also able to show more reactions.

 This would mean marketers have to be tech savvy more than ever.

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