Has Ben & Jerry’s gone too far?

I’m a huge Ben & Jerry’s fan since I was little. I mean who could deny Ben & Jerry’s right? But it took me by surprise after I saw this news headline that says: 'Ben & Jerry’s bans 2 scoops of the same flavor in supporting marriage equality statement.' "So we are banning two scoops... Continue Reading →

AI and Natural Language Interaction

The prediction has been made as to how technology transformation, which is already happening, will develop and assist in solving problems in our daily lives further. Al or Artificial intelligence is basically the capacity of a machine to mimic intelligent human behavior. AI is a powerful force and a real game changer in marketing. Many... Continue Reading →

When food delivery apps gone wrong

I wasn’t familiar with the names Deliveroo, Menulog, Eat Now or UberEat until I started to work in a restaurant. These services are great, they make a part of my job much easier because all I need to do is bring a piece of paper with a placed order, address, and name of a customer... Continue Reading →

Snappr: Uber for photography

Week 6 and 7 had been the craziest weeks for me this sem and when I finally could relax, I browsed through Facebook and came across this ads. The reason it came up as a suggestion post on my news feed is probably because I constantly have been searching about a DSLR camera. Smart but... Continue Reading →

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